Sunday, November 10, 2013

November Sunday Dinner

So this month's Sunday dinner was different than normal. No one could really make it except Blueberry. So we decided to make a day of it.

She came over early, we had breakfast and we came home and painted my living room wall.  I've been wanting to make some changes and painting was an easy update.  So she edged and I rolled.

You can't really tell the color so well in this photo, I'll get more later this week when I have the place put back together. Painting is sure a process.

While we were painting I had ribs in the oven.  I was making my favorite Smokey Indoor Ribs. Our plan was to take dinner to BigBro and Seattle SIL.  He's still battling the chemo/cancer/oxygen thing so we figured if we brought him dinner he wouldn't have to move.

So Blueberry and I finished painting, finished putting the ribs together, loaded them, the mac salad, ice cream and potato salad into the car and off we went.

It was good. I mean finger licking good.  It was nice to get caught up with BigBro and SSIL - a true Sunday dinner.