Thursday, August 03, 2006

A date with the airport

And so it begins.

I'm not even at the gate yet and I'm assaulted with the information that 1) my bag is overweight ( it's a sensitive bag and now feels sad to hear its overweight) and 2) my flight that was scheduled to leave at 11:45pm won't be departing until 1:45AM. AM? Did they not get the memo that I'm old and surely have no way to stay awake until 1:45AM? The only good reason to stay awake that late is to either be with someone who's giving you a reason to be awake or watching a band or something? Otherwise that is a prime hour for sleep.

After I removed the projector I was transporting for work, and a book, my bag felt immediately better about itself. It's interesting that the projector and a book was about 10 lbs. Whodathunk? Only 52 lbs now and so fit into the "range" as noted by "Cisco" the ticket agent. What a horrible job that would be? But Cisco seemed undaunted by the hoards of people in line behind me and greeted each one with enthusiasm that can only be found in someone new on the job. Today was Cisco's 4th day.

Now, back to the problem of the delayed flight. What to do? Ah haven. Lucky for me my pal Bucky's (aka Starbucks) was still open for dispensing of the much needed caffeine. 20 oz Iced Vanilla Americano in hand - I'm good to go. Oh damn, there's a bar. That might have been better.

The airport is an interesting place. You get any number of oddities here - aka people. First off they shouldn't allow kids in the airport past 7pm. Especially if they're tired and cranky. Secondly, when did leg warmers come back into style? I mean really? Hello the 80's called, they want their fashion back. It's a shame really, without the warmers the rest of the outfit warn by a 55 year old isn't bad. Then there's this guy wondering aimlessly in front of me. He's dressed all in black except for his canvass vest with bulging pockets. Wait? What's in those pockets? I'll be watching that one closely.

The other "thing" that's been going on in my life is I can't shake this nagging feeling that I should have said something to the crush before I departed for this trip. It's this nonstop poking feeling in my noggin that just keeps saying,"What if you don't come back?" The pessimistic Jenn, of course, is worried about what that might actually mean. While the optimistic Jenn secretly hopes that means she'll meet a fabulous Italian guy while dining in little Italy, who will whisk her away to some place exotic, like Queens or Brooklyn.

So as I've been sitting in the airport people-watching I imagined a phone conversation going something like this.

"Yah hi crush, this is Jenn" and of course I wouldn't give him time to speak, I'd just launch into my rehearsed, eloquent speech.

I'd continue, "Every now and then I get these nagging feelings that I can't shake. It's like a hot poker in my noggin' demanding that I do something about it. I've learned from past experiences that they are gut feelings that rarely go away and that I need to pay attention to them.

"Of late that "gut" feeling has been related to you. And more importantly telling you that I've liked you for a very long time. And I just think you need to know that before I leave for NY.

"It shouldn't be a shock or a surprise to you, but, well I'm not the best flirt and you may, in fact, not have noticed. And if you've ever read my blog you certainly know. But, there you have it. "

And in my delusional world, he'd respond like any normal guy would in a positive and upbeat manner and say something witty like, "Good to know" Or "Oh, well that's nice."

I jest.


Ken La Salle said...

Hey Jenn! Way to keep that upbeat, positive attitu... oh, who am I kidding?


Nicki said...

I hate airports. The flying part I can handle, but the airports stress me out.