Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I got a brand new pair of roller skates....

VROOM VROOM! Goes the Mustang.

"WEEEEEE" Goes Jenn.

Yes boys and girls, I am a proud owner of a 2006 RedFire V6 5 Speed MUSTANG.

The stars aligned last night to form a perfect glow over a Ford dealership in Seattle. They had the car I wanted and was willing to deal.

Pictures coming soon...I need to slow down enough to take a picture.


Nicki said...

I didn't even get to vote on a color!!! I probably would have picked the red, anyway.

Jenn from WA said...

Yah I realized after I bought that car two things:

1) No one got to vote


2) I missed the final Hells Kitchen. Dammit.