Monday, August 28, 2006

The Manlove that is Dudley

Before I get too far in to how FANTASTIC the show was this weekend, it's with a heavy heart that I pass on my sympathies to friend Sarah who just lost her husband in the plane crash in Lexington. Won't you join me in sending a thought or two in her direction.

Now, on to happier topics.

Dudley at the Triple Door has GOT to be the best ever. (Ever notice I say that with each show?) The sound in this "designed for musical shows" restaurant just makes everything sooo much mo'better. This show was, in fact, the last show of their Sexy Saxophone player Matt Chase. He's moving on to bigger and better show biz opportunities and now gets to tour with David Hasselhoff. (That's a joke. Really. It is.) They did a nice little tribute to him before the second set - you know the kind. Embarrassing pictures of your past coupled with witty commentary.

The boys did TWO fantastically, mastered sets which included all my favorite songs (with the one exception of "Me and Mrs. Jones" I hate that song for some reason. Our seats were perfect; slightly up off the main floor and center stage. I got to sit and stare/gawk all night at the boys - okay just one of the boys. But still....

Their next "big" show is their Halloween show. WAY, way WAY, back when I first started this blog their Halloween show was one of my first posts. This year will prove to be even better. I've started my list of bad songs. But I'd like to hear from all of you out there. What are your favorite bad songs? Specifically, from the 80's to today.