Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mustang Chronicles - One week

It's been one week since I bought the beautiful beast of a car. And it has done nothing but impress and wow me and others. Whodathunk that getting a hot car would gain me such attention? Had I known that I would have bought one earlier!

She purrs like a kitten until the late night roars ($5 or big kudos to whomever - besides mom can name that tune).

I downloaded my new theme song and find myself playing it very loud and often in the Mustang. Yep, you guessed it, Mustang Sally. I know its an obvious choice, but it sooo fits...Especially the line "you'd better slow your Mustang down." (I have no idea what this video has to do with Mustang's but it's funny than shit to hear it with the song. You've been warned!) Holy excelerator Batman! No shit. I find myself doing 45 in 2nd gear in a 25 MPH zone.

And wouldn't you know it, after "googling" Mustang Sally, I found this. A restaurant in NY that was right by where I was 95% of the time....Humph!

In other news, I'm over my little tirade about the questions about my spending habits. I felt like a powder keg that day and it was the right spark to set me off.

I have absolutely nothing else of excitement to share with you. My life has hit the all time low of things going on. It's probably because 1) I'm in the car more, 2) I'm not traveling and 3) I've pretty much dropped the crush for now.

I did, however, cook a KICK ASS Paella this weekend. And found the best freakin' cheap Sangria ever - sold in stores. I bought mine at Central Market and QFC.


Sarah said...

Why did you drop the crush?

Nicki said...

*GASP!!* What the hell about the crush?!?! I was looking forward to the next installment.

You'll be back after you wear your other crush in.