Tuesday, August 01, 2006

NY State of Mind - Capital is Chaos

I got it.

I get it.

I hear ya.

Sheesh! I never would have thought my posting my mini-adventure with the crush would unleash the savages that are my readers. I love it! 9 comments on one post. That's a Jenn's Doings All Time High. If I had known what a rush of feedback I'd get, I would have done this sooner...now I'm addicted to the feedback and will need to give you all what you are so hankering for....the beans.

Will our heroine's flirtatious-ness land her the man? Will the man get it? Will our dynamic duo finally see that they are dancing around each other? Stay tuned to find out. (That's what they call the hook in TV land so you'll tune in to see what really happens. )

From what I can gather the basic message from the lot of you is to stop wasting my time fishing and jump the crush. Got it. But it'll have to wait until AFTER NY. Maybe I'll ask the Wizard in NY for courage.

Speaking of NY, life at work is complete chaos. We made a major announcement this week internally that has everyone all a flutter. AND this announcement has helped to send my world of event planning into a complete tizzy. Have to change our message now. Ugh. So here I am in stressville here and have nothing to wear.

I will be posting from NY - for a couple of reasons. First off, this blog acts as a sudo journal. And secondly, I want to be sure to share any embarrassing and madcap stories with everyone. Because I guarantee me being in NY by myself for a couple of days, and then dealing with union people for three days, and then spending some "site seeing" / "shopping" time with my sister-in-law is surely going to be righteous blogging material.

I will be posting all my photos on my new Flicker site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jennwraspir/

Go. Check it out.

I have posted all my worthy photography up there that I currently have scanned in. I decided awhile ago that I wanted to be sure all my "photography" pictures were online some place, in the event that some day I might sell a piece or two. That and I don't have the negatives anywhere to speak of so I should have it "backed up" somewhere.

On another note - I got to actually be a sudo teacher last night. Friend Claudia had some other business to take care of and so asked me to "sub" for her for the Practicum Class. Which really meant just hanging out and "listening" to them talk amongst themselves and trying to add intelligent feedback in the end. But as it turned out, I did a lot more than that. See the Practicum class is doing a project for the association of which I am President (all hale President Jenn). And so I found myself adding my two cents in more than I probably should. But they were struggling...and I just had to help them. In the end, it was fine, but I do feel a wee bit guilty in that I might have distracted them a bit. Its all good though. I'm going to NY.


Nicki said...

You should ask the crush, "I'm going to NY. Would you like me to bring something back? Perhaps some sheckshay lingerie to model for you until you rip it off my trembling body?"

I think that might get the point across.

Have fun in NY. If parking wasn't such a pain in the ass and the train weren't so expensive, I'd meet you up there.