Saturday, August 19, 2006

Postmortem - NY style

My horoscope today couldn't have been more appropriate.

"You move fast and make decisions at an even faster pace, but you need to slow it down -- way down -- when it comes to money matters. The stars are telling you to take a long look at your budget. "

That coupled with a few people "questioning" what I spent in NY I thought, why not take a look at it.

I can't count any of the days I was there on business with MS. They picked up 90% of that tab. Anything I purchased outside of business stuff I had to cover. So I'm opening my proverbial wallet for the world to see.

Meals = 3 Days with Alcohol, water, etc = +/- $200
Purses = $240 (Because I purchased many of these for other people, I will get back $150)
Transportation= $20
Harbor Cruise, Uptown Bus Tour, Downtown/Midtown tour = $77
Empire State Building tour = $16
Misc make up / lip gloss, etc at Bloomingdales (Bev made me do it - just kidding) = $100
Broadway show = $90 to Stephen for the - discounted tickets were a much better way to go.
Hotel = +/- $300 - A steal by NY standards

Total for 5 GLORIOUS days in NY = $1043
And you need to factor that EVERYTHING in NY is more expensive. My Grande Vanilla Americano that costs me $2.57 here in Seattle was $3.02 there.

AND...if you subtract the $150 I will be getting back - Grand total $893

Now if you take into consideration that I didn't have to pay my airfare - nor did I pay for a hotel for the first 7 days. I got a 10 day trip to NY for only $1000.

Some may say that's a lot. Some may think that I spend too freely. I would have to say to those few that in fact, I do spend freely. I work hard to earn a good salary. I save, pay myself like I'm supposed why no spend a little on me. I can't take it all with me. And what I have now is a lifetime of memories that can even come close to the cost of $1000.

So, coming off what some would consider an "expensive" trip to NY, I buy a car. Added expense no doubt. But perhaps many of you, who don't live in my brain, or in my life, don't realize that I have been planning this car for well over 10 months. I did my research. I worked a deal, and I feel VERY confident and satisfied with what I - ME - STABLE ADULT Jenn - can and will afford.

If any others of you feel like I've been spending too much $$ I leave with this. Stop reading my blog then. And please, stop judging me! If you want to make comments about my spending, feel free, but please make them to me or keep them to yourself. And if you don't approve of my spending, that's your problem not mine. Maybe its jealousy that drives the judgment? Maybe some of you wish you were able to be as carefree as a single girl in Seattle? Whatever it is, know this....this is the LAST I will defend my actions.

There. With all that out.

MY MUSTANG ROCKS!!!!! And I got all my photos of I sure had a blast.


Vicky said...

You go girl! I say enjoy your life. You deserve it. And if anyone actually has the nerve to complain about how you spend YOUR money, then he/she certainly isn't a true friend. I enjoyed reading about all of the wonderful adventures you had in NY...once in a lifetime!

Nicki said...

How the hell are you supposed to have the time of your life when you're counting every single penny and second-guessing all the things you want to do and see? Your finances are your business and no one else's.

Al & Jo said...

Good going...touche! It is a classic case of everyone else MYOB...and there is a lot of jealousy wrapped up in this. You are a smart, intelligent girl who supports herself, knows what she can and cannot afford and lives accordingly. EXCEPT, you need to save lots of money to support your mother in her old age....which is fast approaching. Oh wait, that's what Billie is for?

Anonymous said...

Is this the Jenny Wraspir who graduated from TASIS in 1987? I hope this is the right person - if it is, please contact me (Kristen Norton) at - Thanks.