Thursday, July 20, 2006

And the scale tips...

I'm reading this book called The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. It's an interesting read that is about change and how change is effected by our environment and situations. Anyhow, the part of the book I'm currently at is about the Six Degrees of Separation. You've all heard of this theory, that everyone can be connected somehow by six people. Anyhow, this also brings to mind the Small World theory. How random things happen because a few people happen to be at some place, some time for some reason...and something happens.

Now that you're completely confused, let me tell you a story. Oh and I highly recommend any of Malcom's writings.

Many weeks ago I had set up to meet Lisa, Kristine, and Gary at a free Dudley Manlove show at the University Village. Lisa and Kris both confirmed they'd be there (we were meeting to discuss decorations for the up and coming 25th Anniversary party I'm throwing for my parental units). I heard nothing from Gary ( and in case you're just tuning in, Gary = crush). So I naturally assumed that he wouldn't make it. No biggy. He didn't really "commit" to joining us, just said many week's ago he'd put it on his calendar.

Last night Kris ended up having a conflict so it was just Lisa and I. We sat outside the RAM before the show and had happy hour viddles. The show starts, we walk over (I should explain that this show as outside and part of a summer concert series that the University Village (shopping center) is putting on. So loads of people, families, kids, etc.) we are standing in the back of this MASSIVE crowd of people. I look over and there is Nancy and Mike. Nancy had invited Mike out to spend time with her friends and they had no idea it was a DMQ night...but once they found out sure enough they knew I'd be there). So there's the small world part. What are the odds that they would be there by a random invitation without knowing it was DMQ?

Anyhow, so still no Gary. But by now the boys had started to play and I was just fine. They end their set, Lisa takes off. I decide to go to Starbucks for an ice tea and then contemplate leaving. But figured it was sunny out and I could manage to stand and watch the boys for another hour.

The second set begins, I'm standing in the back roughly the same spot I was before. I glance over to Nancy who's gesturing over head and pointing in a direction just to the right of me. And there, standing is Gary.

The moral of this story is had Nancy and Mike not been there I NEVER would have seen Gary and we would have missed each other thus me missing a prime opportunity to tell him of my crush (which I didn't do so just relax). I mean literally he was about 4 feet from me and I wouldn't have gone in that general direction.

Oh and as to why he wasn't there at the original time. He got home from work, fell asleep and woke up late. Then decided to jet down to see the band. Now frankly, had I not fully committed to something, and only slightly suggested I 'might' be there, I'm not sure that if I had got home and fallen asleep that I would have made my way out to see a band...unless of course there was someone you were interested in who would be there. I'm just saying.....


Vicky said...

And as I said earlier...come November, if there is no movement on the Gary/crush front I am going to have a very nice talk with him. I mean really now, my girl Jenn has needs!

Jenn from WA said...

Shouldn't you be studying or something?

Ken La Salle said...

As I told Vicky, if November comes around and there's been no movement on the Gary/crush front, I WILL TALK TO HIM!

... or I'll just smack the back of his head...

Melissa said...

Just post us his email addy... we'll help you out with a push :-)

Jenn from WA said...

Oh wow...look at all the help I'm getting....

Vicky / Ken - Um...I'm hoping by then I've put on my big girl panties and have dealt with it.

Melissa - Um ... NO. I'm not giving you any email addresses...I was in college with you...I know what you're capable of.

Nicki said...

That's cool he was there, and I agree with you about the reasons he'd go. And give me your address - I'll mail you a pair of big girl panties. ;-)