Saturday, July 08, 2006

It's ironic really

Say it with me, and be sure to use a heavy southern accent, "That there is what we call ironic."

So here I was sitting in my apartment feeling a bit lonely and bit sad that I had nothing to do on this beautiful day. I decided then that I'd go be with people. I figured I didn't really need to know these people, but to be around people. I decided then that I'd go see the movie Cars.

I walked down to the theater (about a block from my place) bought my ticket, pop and popcorn ( $16 later - what a racket) found my theater and stepped inside. Expecting to see several people already there I was aghast to see not a soul in the theater. No one! I had my pick of every chair in the place. I laughed at myself considering the reason for going was to be with people.

I picked the perfect seat. Plopped my feet up on the rail in front of me and started in on my popcorn. One Kernel at a time. I sat there marveling that a movie, a SMALL pop and a SMALL popcorn cost me $16. Amazing.

The minutes ticked away and I sat patiently waiting for the movie to start. The lights dim and the previews start...wait. What? Is no one else going to watch this movie but me? You have GOT to be kidding me?

So this is the ironic part. I go out to be with people and instead I am treated to a solo viewing of the movie. Not a soul in the theater but me.

Calgon take me away! Even more ironic is I didn't feel lonely in this big theater all by myself watching a movie solo. I did, after all, have my $5 popcorn and $4 pop. I was good to go. Oh and the rebellious side of me snuck in two small dove chocolate pieces.