Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Its Raining Men...

Or just raining.

The weathermen in Seattle SUCK. For the record. Though I suppose to their credit, they did say 15% chance of showers tonight...but who'd believe them. They're always wrong.

All day it was sunny and about 70 degrees. Perfect weather to sit and watch the fireworks. Mike and Nancy picked me up and we headed to Bellevue. We park, plant ourselves on the lawn, pull out our viddles and then...drop...drip...drop...Wait? What? You've got to be kidding me. Its raining.

Then as if the heavens opened up. For 5 minutes straight it absolutely down poured...not your normal Seattle mist...torrential down pour. Everything was soaked. We were absolutely soaked.

About an hour or so later, we decided that it was cold. Not only were we wet, but the sun was starting to go down and it was getting chilly. So we hoofed it back to the car, drove across the way and parked in a grocery store parking lot. Being that we had about an hour, we did what every cold Seattle person would do...we headed to Starbucks. Hot chocolates in hand, we went back to the car. It was great fun. Not only were we still able to watch the fireworks, but we were dry and warm now...AND it didn't take us 4 hours to get out of the mall parking lot to get home.

Though funny enough, we discovered as we tried to drive up my road in Lynnwood, that just a block from my apt Lynnwood was putting on one heck of a fireworks display. Next year, we'll just stay here.


Ken La Salle said...

Sounds like you're getting SoCal rain up there - that's how our rain works. Only stands to reason, I guess. After all, you're getting the kind of summers we used to have... But there's NO such thing as global warming!

Meanwhile, it's four bajillion degrees down here with 80 proof humidity. Is it autumn, yet?

Jenn from WA said...

I love that word bajillion.