Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Rights of People

I will never understand why the right to marry if your gay is an issue the Senate is discussing. Now, I realize I live in Seattle and we are a bit more "liberal" here with regards to gay rights...but I also think we're on the right course with the rights of our gay community.

Why does it matter to people? Why does it matter to Mr. Senator in DC whether two women or two men who LOVE each other marry? Who does that hurt? How exactly does that effect him/her? I'm not sure where I saw this, or heard it, so I can't quote my source, but homosexual marriages have a much lower divorce rate then heterosexual marriages.

I just don't understand how people can sit in judgment toward people who have "chosen" to live their lives a certain way. And I use the word "chosen" loosely because I have several gay friends who would argue they didn't really "chose" it is just how they are - and I'm not getting into the debate of whether gay is biological.

People's sexual preference doesn't, and shouldn't effect me in any way, shape or form. I know several women and men who are gay and they are active, smart, lively participants in our communities. They pay taxes just like the rest of us, they have feelings like the rest of us (and by "rest of us" I mean the non homosexual community), they put their pants on just like the rest of us. In fact, the only real difference is who they choose to spend their lives with. Is this no different than how we treated African American's 50 years ago? Someone please explain to me how does a preference of your sexual partner make you any different than anyone else?

I really wish someone, anyone, would provide me a "valid" argument as to WHY the senate or any politician should have a say in who marries whom? And don't throw to me that it's against what the Bible says...90%, I'm sure, of people who use that don't even attend church. And really is your sexual preference a religious issue?

And this is where my lack of faith gets me in trouble. I believe in God. I believe in spirituality, I am not, however, a person who believe in organized religion for the most part. Religions, as I've seen them, are quite judgmental, which is odd considering that Christianity promotes "love thy neighbor" - well except, apparently if your neighbor is gay.

And don't even get me started on abortion.


Ken La Salle said...


Of course, it's a non-issue. Of course, it's window dressing. Everyone knows that.

The reason this is so hotly debated in Congress and why flag burning is so hotly debated and why baseball is so hotly debated is because, while only working 1/3 of the year - ONE THIRD - Congress has to do something to hide all of the atrocities they're doing behind your back - torture, illegal wars, stealing from the poor to give to the rich, raping the constitution.

... that's why.

This may sound cynical but it's not. It's realistic and it's time we did something about it.

... the cynical side of me says nothing, however, will be done.

Nicki said...

I don't think gay people should be allowed to get married until they put provisions in place to make sure ANYONE who gets married knows what the hell they're getting into. People are treating marriage like a prom date, and that just sucks. Something needs to be done about that, period. It should be just as hard to get married as it is to get divorced. After that, more power to ya.

Melissa said...

I see no reason why gays can't enter into a legal contract, create a will, partnership etc. Some insurances allow for non-related people to receive insurance under the same policy as well. And if it's an arguement for the gov death payout, that's a joke.

I think there needs to be a division of marriage because where does it end if there wasn't a line? Kindred spirits, best friends, soul mates, etc? It is to be solely based on who you have sex with?

No one is being forced not to live their life without the person they love most, some hetrosexual couples never marry and stay together forever.

I do believe in the sanctity of marriage, along with the honor that it is suppose to encompass between a man and a woman.