Thursday, July 06, 2006

Get Thee to a Nunnery!

Mike Greene should appreciate that title. It was, after all, his favorite phrase in high school. But being that he was Jesus Christ, I had to let him say whatever he wanted.

I feel obligated to warn you all that this particular post will have no rhyme or reason (I know what you're thinking. "Like you normally have rhyme or reason.") As it turns out I have a kajillion things on my mind and no where to place them...thus putting them on the blog.

First and foremost, I'm going to NY. Yah baby! I've been given the task to take over the planning and coordinating of one of our major tradeshows (unfortunately its because the current event planner and my officemate is leaving the company). So I'm feeling enormously overwhelmed with this. I know I can do it, I've done it before...its just so much so quickly. I'm having those nights where 1) I can't fall asleep and 2) when I do fall asleep I dream about SpeechTek. Ugh! I have a 7 page check list going right now of things I need to do for this event...I'm sure I'll survive it. I must! I must!

Because MS is already paying for my airfare, I'm planning on staying through the weekend and meeting my sister-in-law there and doing the NY thing with Beverly...which basically means shopping until you can't feel your feet. My nephew lives there, so I'm counting on him to "help" me see a few sights. I can't wait!!!

Other fronts, I'm dealing, albeit not so well, with my good friend Mike having a new girlfriend. I love her and I'm soooo very happy for him. I'm just having a hard time dealing with the loss of a best friend. I know this is the way it goes. I know that people get coupled and you rightfully do things with them instead of other friends more. Its just hard when Mike and I have pal'ed around together for years. I'll survive...I must! I must! What does make it easier is Nancy is quite cool and seems to be a lot of fun.

On the crush side, well let's just say I'm batting zero. (Hey I could play for the Mariner's and be their star batter with that average). For every step I take forward, I seem to take twelve back. A friend who recently saw he and I together made an observation that there's something there based on the way he looks at me. Great...but will he ever do anything about that? Doubt it. He seems too shy for that. I must be the brave one here.

Which got me to thinking about how as adults we really don't have very many opportunities to take risks. We are somehow conditioned to play it safe. I'm really in a win-win situation with the crush. If I do say something - scratch that - WHEN I say something either way I win. We're either friends or we're dating. So maybe this is my opportunity to grow just a wee bit more and become an *gasp* adult.

I will survive. I must! I must! And if I don't, you can find me in the nunnery likely. Taking my vow of silence and poverty. I'm sure they'll let me post on my blog though...I am, after all, not "officially" talking.


Ken La Salle said...

I don't know, Jenn. I think that we are given opportunities to take risks every day - every hour!

Every minute! (Oh, now you just ruined it...)

But I think it's easier for us to avoid those opportunities - to play it safe.

Which is basically what you said, too, huh?

Jenn from WA said...

Thanks for summarizing my entire blog down to three sentences. = )

Nicki said...

I'm rooting for you when you tell the crush. It's like a soap opera, or a TV show. You can feel the tension, but will it ever happen? Tune in next week...